Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh, Yeah ~

In a hurry, I guess. But, I missed a couple of items I wanted to hit in that last post... Since Jeremy has come into Megan's life, she's begun to take a great interest in his interest in birds. So, this past weekend, she noted a new one that she'd just never noticed before. Tagged as her new favorite bird, she has researched and discovered it's a Southern Oyster Sucker ~
Most know I have loved photography since I was old enough to hold a camera. I once had dreams of doing that for a living. But, alas, the real world... anyway, My old camera with the interchangeable lenses bit the dust years ago, and several years back now, Wayne bought me a good digital. I have thoroughly enjoyed using it, and it is super easy to use. But, some have asked, "why don't you invest in a REALLY good digital? You could do so much more." Well, I believe this picture says it all. You see, for me, photography is about making note of everyday life, as well as portraits, etc. So, it's really important to me to be able to have my camera wherever we are, and sometimes, no, a lot of times, it's on the water. And, the girls have gotten used to being able to "document" things, and are liable to pick it up and snap whatever, whenever. Yeah, sometimes they get things I'd really rather they didn't, for I'd MUCH rather be behind the lens. But, my point is this. It's gotta be touch, 'cause you never know when it's gonna get slimed ~

See the dripping mess on the bag. Yeah. And her wet hand. Yeah. Anyway... Jessica was simply facinated with the rather large conchs at the beach this weekend. Both girls had them crawling up their arms and legs, etc. What a hoot!

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