Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's getting that time of year! As Da says, "they've got the red traveling pants on"! We made our first trip into the sounds for the "big uns", and in just a little while picked us up 4 pounds or so. Enough for a REALLY good supper after we got back from Da's for our visit Saturday~

Sunday found us back at old faithful... St Caterine's. Jessica has a new friend who's been coming around. Not sure of an official status, but things sound hopeful ~ LOL! Anyway, Trey stays at his grandpa's at Half Moon a good bit of the time, and has his own little Whaler. So, he made the treck all the way to the southern tip of St Cat's to spend some time with us. It's nice getting to know him, and was really impressive to the pops that he could run a boat and navigate himself so well.

Before Trey's arrival, I had some old stale bread and buns to toss, so what better time, right? WRONG! It was just like a scene out of "The Birds"! LOL! But, fun nonetheless! Can't wait for our next trip out ~ Hopefully this next trip will bring in some Baxter's and Harris', and maybe even some Pearce's and Howard's. Holiday weekend and all ~

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