Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm Gonna Do Better ~ Promise

Okay, I've been chastised by the last person... LOL! I'm going to do better. Crackbook has/had consumed me, but I've quit farming and Mafia-ing. All I have left is treasure hunting and Zuma, so I have more computer time. How very sad. I've also got to try to get my blog page updated. Mr Snowman is kinda sad, and makes me gloomy just thinking about the long, cold winter we have had. Lord, I'm ready for SPRING!

Lots of stuff going on around here ~ Da is back on the island, and actually went (officially) back to work this past Monday. God has surely blessed us through that ordeal, and I thank Him every day for that. The girls are back in school, and doing well. They are on track for picking up HOPE beginning Summer, I hope, and my wallet will be a LOT better off for it. Providing our new Gov doesn't kill HOPE or something crazy. He is talking about limiting it, so we'll see. Wayne finally caved in and saw a doctor for his shoulder, and again was diagnosed as still having frozen shoulder. He went, oh, about 10 years ago now, and that was the verdict. They gave him a cortizone shot then, and prescribed physical therapy, but he still had "Superman Syndrome", and didn't follow through. So, now, he got another cortizone shot, and is doing therapy twice a week, so hopefully they'll get him fixed, or at least improve his range of movement and reduce the pain. Men...

I'm loving my move to the Glennville office (happened in Oct). I changed my work schedule so that I go in at 7:30, take 30 mins for lunch, and work until 5, but I have OFF every other Friday. And with the continuing furloughs, I actually only work about 1 Friday a month. YEAH ME! And with the weather warming up, I'm seeing I'm really gonna LOVE being able to head to the condo on Thursday nights, and having an extra day most every weekend. I also love being able to go home at lunch for a few minutes. Pepe' gets a mid-day pee-pee (which is always good), and I can move clothes in the laudry, etc. It's been really nice. I've also enjoyed the lunch options, and REALLY enjoyed getting to go to lunch with friends more regularly. It's just been a great thing all around.

Last weekend, we spent out first weekend at the condo of the New Year. With the heat supply we have, the nights must stay above 40ish to keep us from freezing, and this was the first weekend we've had like that through this horrible winter. Oh, it was wonderful! We put the little boat in and went for a ride ~ we made the circuit out the Barbour River, into the South Newport, out past St Catherine's, back through Sapelo Sound and back into the Barbour River. The sun was shining bright, and the water was calm, and it was the best day we've had since, oh, I don't know... when we loaded Da in Papa's truck to bring him home from Augusta. It was great! We came back in, and picked up some limbs around the lot, and got the fire pit going. On my Fridays off, I've picked a project to work on. One of my projects was cleaning out the desk at home, which left a LOT of stuff that needed shredding/burning. We made it through about half the stack with plenty left for another day. I think we've decided the girls and I have a little pyromaniac in us. We REALLY like to burn stuff... Well, they say admission is the first step to acceptance and healing? LOL! Sunday was a bit breezier, so we got the boat out and cleaned up, then met up with Holly & Kaitlyn to help take some Senior pictures. She just kind of had a dry run to get some ideas of what she liked and wanted to do differently, so there will be more picture days, I'm sure. She also wants to make a trip to Sapelo for some there, so look out Da. We're invading again ~ I'm so very glad the coast season is upon us again, and can't wait to share our place with our family and friends, and hope beyond hope they'll all come and be with us some.

We're ready for the St Patrick's Day celebration at Shellman. We have a 50 pound box of beads standing at the ready, and we all have our St Patty's crazy hats ready to put on. Yeah, should be interesting... Wayne's not putting the truck in the car show this year he says. He's decided that until he decides and joins a club, he'll always be "out" of the loop, so why bother with them. But, he is driving it down so we'll have it for the parade. So, look for us and we'll look for you ~ we've got the beads, and will have the candy by then. Can't wait - such fun! Oh, and Craig Wilkinson wil be performing at the festival this year, and just found out that Chris Moore will be singing with him. So, gotta get a time so I can catch that show.

Anyway, this got kinda long, huh? Well, had to catch up... I'm gonna do better, I promise, and am so proud of my other blogging buddies for keeping theirs going. Kylie has re-joined the group, and I can't wait to get some more B&E. Those girls are a riot! Welcome back, Kylie! We're so very proud of you (for multiple reasons)! He will not put more on you than you can handle and which will make you stronger. Any-whoo... catch you later!

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